Montgomery County Palestine Solidarity Network

MCPSN Logo. A red poppy on a dark green background with "MCPSN" in large black letters and "Montgomery County Palestine Solidarity Network" in smaller red letters

In 2024, MCPS for Palestine—a group of alumni from Montgomery County Public Schools—joined forces with local community organizers to form Montgomery County Palestine Solidarity Network (MCPSN).

When we started MCPS for Palestine, we were a small group of alumni from Montgomery County Public Schools frustrated by the anti-Palestinian racism and suppression that current students and staff in face amidst an ongoing genocide. We penned an open letter to the community in December 2023 that received over 1,000 signatures in one month.

Since then, we have joined forces with educators, parents, and other community members. Our focus has shifted, and we aim to build collective power and fight for justice not only in MCPS but across Montgomery County, MD.

We are changed our name to reflect these new goals. We are the Montgomery County Palestine Solidarity Network.

The Network is comprised of organizers from American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)-DC Metro, MD2Palestine, Montgomery County Jewish Collective (MCJC), and Montgomery County residents and workers.